Daily Report 02

Ahaaaaaa :) We are meet again in my blog. So kali ini saya akan Share lagi my activity in kitchen. 
Today i just make it Jalankote, saya membuatnya dengan teman saya yaitu Dewi 😃😃 ceritanya hari ini kami di tunjuk sebanyak 9 orang khusus untuk preparing 1 set menu indonesian food untuk tamu asing yang akan berkunjung esok hari di kampus kami tercinta. 😄😄
sebelum kami doing kami breafing terlebih dahulu untuk pembagian tugas agar semuanya berjalan lancar dan baik.

Langsung saja saya akan menjelaskan tentang Ingredients and How to Make Jalankote =>

Ingredients for Jalankote :


  • 1 kg      All purpose Flour
  • 250 ml  Hot Coconat oil
  • 2 Tbs    Salt
  • Sckp     Water
  • 50 ml oil
  • 50 gr  Garlic (chop)
  • 60 gr  Shalots (chop)
  • 300 gr Minced Beef
  • 300 gr Carrot  (brunoice)
  • 400 gr Sweet Potatoe (brunoice)
  • 2 bks   Egg Noodle
  • 250 gr Leek (Sliced)
  • sckp Nutmeg Powder
  • to taste Salt and pepper

How To Make :
  1. Mix flour and salt until well in the mixing dough
  2. Pour the hot oil into mixing dough little by little 
  3. Pour water as needed
  4. Remove the dough from mixing dough
  5. for filling Jalankote heat oil in frying pan, add shallots and garlic and saute until fragrant
  6. Add minced beef, mix well and saute until changes color
  7. Add carrot, potatoe, noodles, and leek and mix well. saute about 1 minute
  8. Add vegetable stock, and saute about 1 minute again. season to taste with nutmeg, salt, and pepper. cool
  9. to prepare the pockets place one table spoon of filling into teh center of the pastry round. top with 1 egg wedge. Fold dough over the vegetable filling and press evenly down.
  10. Deep fry Jalankote at 150 celcius until golden brown. drain on paper towel and serve together with chili sauce

Yapssss, Itu saja penjelasan saya about how to make jalankote, semoga bermanfaat bagi reader sekalian. selamat mencoba gengs :)


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